Journal Author's Guide
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African Journal of Organic Agriculture and Ecology (AJOAE) is a journal of Organic Agriculture and Ecology published biannually to create an effective medium for dissemination of information on organic agriculture research findings in all areas of agriculture, food sciences and ecology. AJOAE follows Open Access policy which means published articles by AJOAE are free to the public. However, the author bears the cost by paying the appropriate fees.
Contributions may be on Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Extension, Agroforestry, Animal science, Crop/Environmental protection, Crop science, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Fishery/Aquaculture, Health, Soil science, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Management.
Preparation of manuscripts
- Articles could be written in either English of French with moderate technical terminologies to facilitate wide readership.
- All manuscripts should be typed, Times New Roman (12), 1.5 spacing on A4 size (210 x 297mm) paper.
- The length of the manuscript should in general not exceed 12 pages (tables, figures and other illustrations inclusive).
- Leave ample margins, 2.54 cm to the left and 2.54 cm to the top and bottom of the page.
- The cover sheet should contain (a) Title of the article (b) Author (s) name, followed by a line at the tail end giving name and address to which all correspondence should be addressed.
- The manuscript should be organized as follows: TITLE, ABSTRACT (maximum of 250 words), INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS or METHODOLOGY, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION), CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS (presentable to lay practitioners), ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (where necessary) and REFERENCES.
- The main heading should be centered and capitalized; the secondary and tertiary headings should be typed in lower case letters to the left of the page.
- Use only international system of Unit (SI) and ensure that units are quantitative measurements, e.g. 3kg; when they are preceded by a capitalized noun, e.g. Table 8.
- Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals, cited in the text, sources indicated if not original (i.e. not made by the author).
- Each table and figure should have an explanatory legend, which should be typed at the bottom of the page.
- Reference citation in the text should follow the name, years system; all references cited must be listed in alphabetical order of the sole/senior/first author’s names; each reference should be systematic; surname of the author(s), initials; year of publication (in parenthesis), title of paper, name of Journal (italicized), volume number, number of issue (if applicable) in Arabic numerals on the first and the last pages of the references, e.g. Olayemi A.A. (1991). “A Descriptive Analysis of Agriculture Cooperative Model in Rural Development”. Journal of Rural Development and Administration. 23 (3):1-8.
For two or more authors: Joseph, K. and Aworh, O. C. (1991). “Composition, Sensory Quality and Respiration during Ripening and Storage of Edible Wild Mango (Invingia gabonensis)”. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 26:337-342.
For the citation of books, the author’s name comes first followed by year of publication in bracket, title of book (underlined), edition and volume number (if any) page or pages, city of publication and publishers e.g.
Fredick, G. B. (1970). Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing. 468 pp. Illinois: The Dryden Press Inc.
For a chapter in a book: e.g. Pickering, D. C. (1978). “An overview of organic agriculture and its linkages with agricultural research”. The World Bank experience. In: Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Issues, Practices and Emerging Priorities (eds.) Rivera, W. M. and Schram, W. G.) 320 pp. New York: Crom Helm.
Recommendations and excerpts from published articles could be featured in NOARA’s Bulletin as recommendations for lay practitioners.
Payment for publication is in 2 steps:
1st Step - Processing fee of $50: Free for financially up-to-date members of NOARA
2nd Step - Publication fee of $50 for accepted manuscripts to be made before receiving reviewers’ comments
Authors are to submit manuscripts not previously published or under consideration elsewhere via and follow the submission process.
Thank you.
Editor-in Chief